Private sector and enterprise institutions represent a wide swath of highly trafficked, varied location types. In an emergency, CRGs can put enterprise security and first response teams all on the same page.
Location Types
Critical Incident Mapping™ for All Enterprise Businesses
Trusted By Industry Leaders
Enterprises of all stripes and sizes from around the country turn to Critical Response Group.
Works with CRG
CRGs work in concert with many of the trusted platforms currently deployed by enterprises of all sizes, including:
”We recognized that our company is spread across a large campus with multiple buildings. We use CRGs to share customized, site-specific information that police can access through their own response technology platforms. This makes our employees safer because all first responders can reach them faster.
-Security Director of a Large International Company
Speak the Same Language
With many enterprises featuring their own security teams and internal references like “back of house” or “restricted area”, CRGs work to place emergency response units and internal teams on common ground.
Integrations Into Existing Tools
CRGs work with many existing tools, integrating easily into VMS as many others.
Location-Specific Plans
Enterprise and private sector locations contain some of the most varied layouts of exterior and interior structures. By leveraging CRGs enterprises are able to closely collaborate with emergency response teams to build detailed action plans for any crisis.
Protect your patrons and employees today.
Learn how your business can benefit from Collaborative Response Graphics®