This article originally appeared on PRWeb. To view the original article, MCPA and CRG collaborate to implement Common Operating Picture®.
The State of Minnesota has joined the quickly growing ranks of states across the country in recognizing that the lack of a standardized common operating picture being available to first responders continues to slow response times and needlessly complicates the coordination of emergency resources. Collaborative Response Graphics® (CRGs) were specifically designed to fix this recurring problem.
Known as “America’s Common Operating Picture™”, CRGs are sophisticated, yet simple to use visual communication and collaboration tools that are useable under stress to coordinate emergency response efforts both inside and outside a building. CRGs enhance response time and improve command and control efforts during any emergency.
“The Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association values strong private-public sector partnerships with organizations that provide real value to the improvement of public safety and the Critical Response Group, Inc. does just that,” said Andy Skoogman, Executive Director of Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association. “Collaborative Response Graphics (CRGs) offer straight-forward, standardized mapping, which is essential to the effective deployment of first responder assets in a crisis. We’re proud to be their partner in keeping Minnesota communities safe.”
CRGs were born from lessons learned by the United States Military Special Operations community overseas. Like domestic first responders, our military faced the challenge of communicating about unfamiliar locations while under stress. To solve this problem, they developed a visual communication tool that combined a gridded overlay with high-resolution overhead imagery so that field operators could easily and effectively communicate about unfamiliar locations.
Critical Response Group® enhanced that communication technique by creating CRGs to solve the same problems encountered here at home. CRGs are designed to be standardized common operating pictures that combine geo-rectified and accurate floor plans, up to date site-specific labeling, high-resolution imagery and a gridded overlay. They allow everyone at an incident to easily communicate locations and coordinate their response during life-saving efforts.
“We are proud to be working with the MCPA and are fully committed to introducing a solution that is not based on theory, but instead is mission proven. CRGs enhance situational awareness and better prepare first responders when responding to unfamiliar locations. Thousands of CRGs are currently deployed to a widely diverse group of facilities and they are in the hands of thousands of public safety professionals across the country,” said Phil Coyne, President of Critical Response Group, Inc.
For more information on the Critical Response Group, Inc. and Collaborative Response Graphics (CRGs) visit their website at Critical Response Group . You can find additional information here: CRG Corporate Profile